Our Approach Revolves Around Your Unique Needs

Unless you have the Patience, Knowledge and Discipline to maintain an efficient evaluation program, even the most sophisticated investor will find that making consistently prudent decisions is challenging. We are dedicated to providing our clients with ongoing guidance and expert insights to ensure they are best able to make important decisions related to their investment objectives.


We are committed to absolute independence – we have no financial affiliation with any other organization. We believe commissions have inherent conflicts of interest; it is wrong for consultants to accept free trades from money managers or to sell services to them. Therefore, we accept no commissions or free trades from money managers and do not sell any services to them.



Our Principal, Donald Stanforth, has been in the fields of asset allocation, comparative performance analyses, transaction execution and manager screening and selection since 1979.

We understand the problems our clients face and know the details behind the analyses. We also know how to best interpret the details to form an organized and actionable means of making decisions.

Additionally, we utilize proprietary performance analysis software and independent databases to provide our clients with insights and guidance
that is focused around their unique needs.

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